Introducing Spectrum PSB
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient required for plant growth that is generally present in the environment, but largely unavailable for uptake by the plant. Phosphorus that is present in the soil, both naturally and applied through fertilization, tends to dissipate quickly by leaching into water, becoming biologically bound in organic forms, or forming insoluble complexes which the plant cannot process. The phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) found in Spectrum PSB break down these bound or insoluble forms of phosphorus, making them available for use by the plant.
Recommended application rate: 75 grams per acre
• Spectrum PSB™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute).
Disclaimer: All products are for Agricultural use only. By your purchase of this product(s) you agree to only use the product(s) in strict compliance with the instructions of use on the product label and recognize that Tainio Biologicals, Inc. is not liable in any manner for any off label use.