Nitrogen is a critical component of plant growth and health. Nitrogen deficiencies lead to poor crop quality and poor yield, and the converse, nitrogen excesses, can lead to soil and water quality degradation, loss of organic matter, and other environmental and agricultural issues.

The atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, so why do we not utilize more of this resource for plant growth? The answer is access. Atmospheric nitrogen is not in a form that can be used by plants. This is where nitrogen fixing bacteria (NFB) come to the aid of the plant (and grower).

Beyond legumes and the nodules that house rhizobia, another type of NFB exist; Free Living NFB. These are organisms that work with all plant types and not just legumes. This unlocks the atmospheric potential around us into a plant usable form.

Spectrum NFB combines the powerful benefits of these robust nitrogen fixing organisms, with the full array of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that you have already come to rely on from Spectrum, in one easy to use package.

Recommended application rate: 75 grams per acre